

The installation is a ropes infiltration of white color like the Nansen Passport, an internationally recognized passport issued by the Society of Nations to refugees and displaced stateless persons. Conceived in 1922, it owes its name to Fridtjof Nansen, a polar explorer and scientist, who helped improve the refugee situation and define the principle of the monopoly of migration. Between the first and second world war, the Nansen passports allowed hundreds of thousands of stateless people to emigrate to another country. Today, the Nansen passport no longer exists. Stateless persons and refugees come into possession of the so-called “white passport”, is issued by the host state and serves as an identification document.
By questioning the principles of nation, prohibition, identity and movement, the figure of the stateless person represents a relevant cultural, political, and social infiltration.

Infiltrations, 201, rope, 173 x 200 x  cm

Infiltrations, VBM 2010, Berlin, 2012.
Press release: Valentina Benedetta Marinone